The signature group experience that completely transforms your body and life for good - from feeling more confident in your body than ever to having endless energy, getting toned, strong and truly feeling like you again.

Bottom line: We teach you how to easily create a healthy lifestyle as a busy mom without guilt, sacrifice or restriction.


does this sound like you right now?

  • Your schedule is so jam packed that you can never seem to make the time to commit to a consistent workout routine and meal planning. You feel like you just keep making excuses not to do it and it becomes a recurring habit.

  • By the end of the day, you're so exhausted that you have ZERO motivation to get in a workout, so you plop on the couch and turn on Netflix instead (and most likely grab some chocolate and a glass of wine)

  • You put so much pressure on yourself to do all of the things, that you end up getting burnt out and exercising and meal planning is always the first thing that gets put to the backburner

  • You are just SO TIRED of not feeling strong. Not feeling confident. And you've hit a point where you're just so sick of feeling this way.

  • You KNOW you want to change and KNOW you are capable of so much more but for some reason you just can't seem to keep the momentum going.


You'll be surrounded by other moms who just get what it's like to try and balance it all. And when you share your goals with others you're much more likely to show up and stay on track. You will have a community that will provide support and encouragement, not only to motivate you, but also challenge you to push yourself further than you would on your own. Having that support system makes staying consistent soooo much easier.


If your mind isn't in the right place, you will NEVER see the results you actually desire. Lasting change happens from the inside out. Once you shift your beliefs about health and who you are and what you're capable of achieving, you view yourself differently. Health becomes a natural part of your lifestyle. And this is what will allow you to stop yo-yoing and maintain your results long term.


No more trying to figure it out on your own. No more wondering what is going to work best for you and your body. No more trial and error and endless google searches. I will give you all the tools and knowledge you need to look and feel your best in the most efficient and effective way. When you have a proven strategy in place, it becomes much easier to see results and reach your goals.

When I first had my son, my life was thrown upside down.  Any sort of routine went out the window and it was a serious struggle physically and mentally.  I was tired. I had no energy. And I didn’t even recognize myself or my body.  I was just so desperate to get back to how I looked and felt pre-pregnancy.

But I realized that in order for me to be the best mom and wife I could be, I needed to take care of me, not just physically, but mentally too.  I needed to feel good and confident in my body so I could show up fully for my family and in all areas of my life.

Once I did that, once I started fueling my body properly, once I got back into picking up the weights, that’s when everything changed. 

And now, even as a mom of 3, it's EASY for me to stay consistent with working out and eating healthy and my relationship with food and my body is in such a better place.

And I feel so lucky that I've been able to help sooooo many other women get to the same exact place too.

"my mindset has drastically improved, and I now know how to support myself going forward"

"This program hits the full spectrum of what is needed to reach these goals (mental, emotional, food knowledge, fitness knowledge). I am thoroughly impressed and feel like I can't truly express how grateful I am for this experience."

- Jennel

"each month I took a progress photo and was proud and excited to show my husband!"

"I have seen the most amazing results since high school. Shelby is kind, patient and listens to your concerns! I have lost a lot of the fat I stored am feeling stronger and dare I say it - feeling sexier and more confident around my husband! This feeling was a big mental hurdle for me."

- Kim

"i'm down 15 pounds and feeling so much better where I am mentally and physically"

"The results I have experienced working with Shelby have been incredible. I’ve started to lift heavier weights and become stronger than I ever thought possible. I love my workouts with Shelby, there are very few days that I wake up thinking “Ugh I have to workout today”. She’s there to celebrate every win, and there to pick you up when you are down."

- Elizabeth

"i honestly wouldn't be where I am today with my health and fitness if it wasn't for Shelby"

"Shelby is so supportive and encouraging, and not to mention, very knowledgeable! Trust me, if you are ready to make the next step toward living a better and healthier lifestyle, Shelby is your girl. You will NOT be disappointed"

- Stephanie


here's everything you'll get inside...

  • Completely customized nutrition (macros if appropriate) so you can stay energized all day long

  • Effective and efficient workouts (can be done at home) through my personalized coaching app to build strength, burn fat, and take your body to the next level 

  • A private community where you will have access to an amazing support system, which is a safe space to share your wins, struggles, offer words of encouragement and support one another. This is also a great place to get all of your questions answered by me personally

  • Bi-weekly 1:1 check-ins where adjustments will be made as needed to ensure you continue to see progress

  • Bi-weekly LIVE group call with designated 1:1 time for each client

  • Insanely easy weekly meal planning and meal prep guidance and recipes

Apply now to be considered for Mom Bod Method - spots are filling up! After filling out your application, I will be in contact with you via dm to chat about what is best for you, your body and life.

Can't wait to talk with you!

if you’re coming up with all the excuses to not join, here’s the answers to all your burning questions…

when does it start and how long is the program?

We choose your start date together and the program is 3, 6 OR 12 MONTHS long!

what time are the calls?

We determine the call schedule and times as a group once Mom Bod Method starts. we will determine which days and times work best for the majority of the group. All calls will be saved and recorded for replay and uploaded to our Course (which you will have lifetime access to!)  

why do i have to apply?

I don't accept just anyone into this program. Mom Bod Method is only for women who are truly open to change, willing to put in the work and ditch their excuses.

are payment plans available?

Yes! We have many different payment plan options so we can ensure you don't have to put your goals on hold and still get the results you desire!

are you really only taking 10 women?

Yes. Mom Bod Method is a small and intimate program specifically created so that you are completely supported. there is no woman who will be unseen or unheard. having an intimate group allows for more personalized coaching throughout the program and more results.  

how involved is Shelby?

VERY. There will be a 60 minute zoom call held every other week with Shelby and daily messaging access for unlimited support.

what makes this program different than anything I've ever done before?

Most fitness programs are missing one essential piece. MINDSET work.  It’s not about having the “perfect” strategy.  Your mind needs to be in a good place before you can ever start seeing results. This isn't a cookie cutter program. This isn't just me giving you workouts and macros. It's about truly transforming from the inside out.

i'm nervous i'm not going to be able to stick with this because it's been hard for me in the past. should i still join?

Yes. it's totally normal to feel like this. inside Mom Bod Method we will rebuild your trust with yourself so that you can truly learn how to stay consistent for the long term. but, with that said, if you're not ready to show up and put in the work to do this, then Mom Bod Method is NOT for you.

i don’t have much equipment at home. Will I still be able to do the workouts?

Yep! The workouts will require dumbbells (or barbell) and bands only. If you don’t have a variety of weights at home, we will come up with ways to make the exercises more challenging (tempo, sets, reps, rest time, etc.)

how can I convince my husband to let me join?

Explain to him WHY this is important to you. And let him know that you feeling confident in your body will have lots of benefits for him. Know what I’m saying?? ;)

if you've gotten this far, I know you are serious about taking control of your mind and body once and for all and you know that Mom Bod Method is the only way you will get there.

what are you waiting for?!