are you tired of not even feeling like yourself anymore?

what if you were given all the tools you needed to take control of your life and start feeling confident in your body again?

and you could finally be the happy and confident mom you desire to be and live your life freely without ever having to worry about your body again.

  • You get super motivated to workout and eat healthy, but then you lose it after a few weeks. You get into your feelings and just say “screw it” and eat whatever you want.

  • You’ve dedicated every waking minute to your kids, family, work that you’re always last on the list. So you just end up eating whatever the kids are eating or grabbing something quick (and not the healthiest) when you finally get a second to yourself.

  • Your stress levels are at an all time high. Your day starts off on a great foot, but things end up getting so chaotic, and then it’s all downhill from there.

  • By the end of the day you literally have no energy left to even think about doing anything for yourself so you just end up plopping on the couch with a bag of M&Ms and next thing you know, the entire bag is gone. You know you MUST be addicted to sugar.

  • You’re so tired of being unhappy with how you feel and look, and you KNOW it’s holding you back from being the best mom and wife you can be

  • And honestly, It’s not even about the number on the scale anymore, you’re just sick of feeling so miserable in your body and not fitting into your old clothes

hi! i'm shelby!

When I first had my son, my life was thrown upside down.  Any sort of routine went out the window and it was a serious struggle physically and mentally.  I was tired. I had no energy. And I didn’t even recognize myself or my body. I was just so desperate to get back to how I looked and felt pre-pregnancy.

But I realized that in order for me to be the best mom and wife I could be, I needed to take care of me, not just physically, but mentally too.  I needed to feel good and confident in my body so I could show up fully for my family and in all areas of my life.

And once I did that, once I started fueling my body properly, once I got back into picking up the weights, that’s when everything changed. 

Wouldn't it be amazing if you didn't have to feel obsessed with getting your "body back" or losing weight, but instead you could build the strongest and healthiest version of you, both physically and mentally?

  • You could handle anything #momlife threw your way and could finally learn how to maintain and balance a healthy lifestyle with everything else going on in your life

  • You never had to worry about what to eat and could stop just grazing in the kitchen all day because you had meals that you loved prepped and ready to go and you knew how to fuel your body properly. And now you’re even craving healthy foods.

  • You woke up every morning feeling ENERGIZED and EXCITED to start your day. AND this energy lasted all day long.

  • You could actually enjoy your workouts, instead of dreading them, and get to a place where they’re a consistent habit and just part of your daily life.

  • You could prove to your kids and husband that you’re not someone who gives up and could start seeing results once and for all

"I'm down 15 pounds and feeling so much better where I am mentally and physically"

"The results I have experienced working with Shelby have been incredible. I’ve started to lift heavier weights and become stronger than I ever thought possible. I love my workouts with Shelby, there are very few days that I wake up thinking “Ugh I have to workout today”. She’s there to celebrate every win, and there to pick you up when you are down." 

- Elizabeth

"Each week I took a progress photo and was proud and excited to show my husband!"

"I have seen the most amazing results since high school. Shelby is kind, patient and listens to your concerns! I have lost a lot of the fat I stored am feeling stronger and dare I say it - feeling sexier and more confident around my husband! This feeling was a big mental hurdle for me."

- Kim

"My mindset has drastically improved, and I now know how to support myself going forward"

"This program hits the full spectrum of what is needed to reach these goals (mental, emotional, food knowledge, fitness knowledge). I am thoroughly impressed and feel like I can't truly express how grateful I am for this experience."

- Jennel

“I feel life again, I feel excited about my future, and I feel more confident than I have in years”

Each week, taking measurements and progress pictures helped me to see my progress, yes I SAW progress! My body was changing every week before my very eyes. I lost 4 inches around my waist, something I was never able to do on my own. Investing in myself, as a busy mom and business owner, was the best decision I have ever made. Not only have I lost inches and pounds off my body, my cravings for fast food and sweets are gone, and I have the confidence to move forward in my journey on my own.

- Amanda

  • An amazing community of moms and future moms to lean on for support who just “get it” so you can keep that momentum going

  • Weekly Live Trainings and Q&A session to ensure you have everything you need to be the most successful physically and mentally

  • 4 weeks of workouts (dumbbells only required) through my personalized coaching app to tone up and build the strongest version of you possible

  • Insanely easy and simple weekly meal prep and planning guidance so you can get your eating under control and never feel like you have to eat whatever the kids are eating (unless you want to because you’re allowed)

If you’re coming up with all the excuses to not join, here’s the answers to all your burning questions…

But I’m not a mom yet. Is this still for me?

YES! It’s never too early to start setting up good routines and habits and creating your strongest body physically and mentally for when the time comes.  I completely attribute my relatively easy pregnancy, labor and delivery to creating this foundation. OR if you're not planning to become a mom any time soon, this is STILL for you! No better time for a reset than right now!

What makes this program different than anything I've ever done before?

Most fitness programs are missing one essential piece. MINDSET work.  It’s not about having the “perfect” strategy.  Your mind needs to be in a good place before you can ever start seeing results. Once you shift your beliefs about health and who you are and what you're capable of achieving, you view yourself differently. Health becomes a natural part of your lifestyle. And this is what will allow you to stop yo-yoing and maintain your results long term.  

I don’t have much equipment at home. Will I still be able to do the workouts?

Yep! The workouts will require dumbbells only. If you don’t have a variety of weights at home, we will come up with ways to make the exercises more challenging (tempo, sets, reps, rest time, etc.)

How can I convince my husband to let me join?

Explain to him WHY this is important to you. And let him know that you feeling confident in your body will have lots of benefits for him. Know what I’m saying?? ;)

When does it start and how long is the program?

We start September 25 and the program lasts for 4 weeks.

Okay, I’ve run out of excuses, how do I join?

I thought you’d never ask :) Pick the best option below…


Copyright © 2021 Shelby Lobitz All rights reserved.