for the mom and mom to-be who's ready to have her healthiest, happiest and easiest pregnancy, delivery and recovery.

  • Pregnancy and postpartum could be something you actually enjoyed because you weren’t feeling the stress from your changing body
  • You didn’t have to feel anxious about gaining (and holding onto) *baby weight* and could find confidence in your new body
  • You didn’t have to feel overwhelmed, wondering if you’re eating the right foods and exercising in a safe and effective way to support you and your baby
  • You could know for sure you were doing everything *right* to keep you and your baby as safe and healthy as possible
  • Recovery could be SO much easier because you took care of your body properly during pregnancy and after giving birth

Pregnancy is HARD. Postpartum is HARD. Maybe some of the hardest (but exciting) times of your entire life. It can bring on a lot of anxiety and stress over wondering if your baby is safe in there, worrying about your changing body, and trying to get your *body back*. All of this on top of becoming a mom to a new baby.

But it can be enjoyable. And you can feel amazing in your body.

  • You’re currently pregnant but feel so lost when it comes to exercise and nutrition during pregnancy and you want to stay active and healthy for you and your baby
  • You’re planning to get pregnant within a year and want to prepare yourself as much as possible physically and mentally
  • You’re pregnant with, or planning to be pregnant with, your 2nd, 3rd or even 4th baby, but you want to do things differently this time and have a fit healthy pregnancy

  • You had a baby within the last few months and you’re stressing about trying to lose the *baby weight*
  • You’re struggling with the anxiety and stress of limited sleep, outside pressures of body image, and not feeling like your pre-pregnancy self

If you’re not already pregnant or not planning to get pregnant quite yet, I’m sure you’re thinking “I don’t need this yet,” but here’s the deal...the sooner you learn and can start implementing what I’ll be teaching you inside of these courses, the easier pregnancy and postpartum will be for you physically and mentally.

  • 10 jam-packed self-paced modules that will give you everything you need to have your healthiest pregnancy, delivery and recovery (physically and mentally)
  • Intimate community so you feel so supported through this challenging but amazing period of life
  • 54 weeks of workouts including breathing, core and pelvic floor work to build a strong foundation to take you through all of pregnancy and after giving birth
  • Nutrition guidance to keep you AND your baby as healthy as possible

pregnancy bod curriculum:

postpartum bod curriculum:

When I was pregnant the first time around, I honestly had no idea what I was doing or what to expect. Google became my best friend, constantly searching what exercises I couldn’t do and what foods I couldn’t eat.  And just hearing the advice from my doctors of:

“You can keep doing what you were doing before. Don’t incorporate any new exercises. Don’t do any crunches.”

And that was the extent of it.

While I did end up having a relatively easy pregnancy, delivery and recovery, I wasn’t doing it in the right way. I pushed my body too hard.  I was only worried about my body *bouncing back* and what I couldn’t or shouldn’t do instead of things that I should have been adding in to keep me as healthy as possible.  

And then came postpartum - it was a serious struggle physically and mentally.  I was tired. I had no energy. And I didn’t even recognize myself or my body.  I was just so desperate to get back to how I looked and felt pre-pregnancy.

But I realized that in order for me to be the best mom and wife I could be, I needed to take care of me, not just physically, but mentally too. 

And once I did that, once I started fueling my body properly, once I took things SLOWLY and gave myself some grace, that’s when everything changed. 

Going through it again (with twins), I made a promise to myself I would do things differently.  Incorporating exercises, pelvic floor and breathing work that are going to support a healthy body during AND after pregnancy. Eating foods that helped the babies grow healthy and strong and gaining a healthy amount of weight. And most importantly - shifting the way I viewed my body.

There is SO much misinformation and lack of information regarding exercise and nutrition during pregnancy, and recovery postpartum on the internet, social media and even from your trusted doctors, but I’m here to change that.

i want you to feel confident in knowing that you are supporting your body and baby to have your healthiest pregnancy, delivery and recovery!

we both know you want to have your healthiest pregnancy, delivery and recovery just like SO MANY of my clients have had…

"At 34 weeks pregnant, I am the healthiest I’ve been in years. I’ve maintained a healthy weight gain throughout pregnancy - focused on giving my body and my baby nutritious foods for prenatal development (while still indulging in my M&Ms and bagels on occasion) - and while continuing to cultivate a body composition that makes me feel strong and confident. Shelby has literally changed the course of my health overall and the health of my pregnancy - both physically and mentally. I truly can’t imagine being on this journey without her and I feel confident that I’m now positioned for a healthier postpartum experience and recovery."

- Erin

"I'm so glad I invested in myself while I was pregnant. I'd worked with Shelby for roughly a year and a half before becoming pregnant and got into the BEST shape of my life.

When I became pregnant I wanted to continue lifting. I was hesitant at first until my midwives/OB approved it. Shelby always gave me modifications for workouts as pregnancy progressed. I also appreciated the accountability and grace she gave when needed.

Lifting during pregnancy helped me feel so good and gave me strength that baby and I needed for delivery!"

- Lindsay

"Before working with Shelby I felt like I was completely stuck. I would look at myself and of course feel incredibly blessed to have been able to carry and grow a human being, but also overwhelmed with how different my body looked. Being a new mom, I didn't allow much time for myself at all. I honestly didn't know how to fit it in once I went back to work. Day after day I would say "Ok I am going to start on Monday," but then I would find myself in the same viscous cycle, not having good meals to eat because I didn't have time, and not working out because I was too tired.

During our time together I lost the baby weight and really toned up! At first that was all I wanted. But after working with Shelby I not only gained the tools to help me stay consistent, but I realized that I felt stronger and healthier than I had even before being pregnant. I have learned to make time for self care, and that missing a workout or eating some dessert is not the end of the world. Most importantly, I feel confident and happy again :)"

- Jess

“Working with Shelby changed my life. Truly. I had postpartum depression and anxiety. I was miserable and uncomfortable in my body. I didn’t feel worthy. I didn’t have energy. I was drinking too much. I was accepting unacceptable behavior from others. I didn’t recognize myself, and I didn’t feel good. Now I’m doing things that I enjoy again. I’m positive and confident and looking forward to the future. I don’t drink hardly at all. I’m happy, have so much energy, and I’m improving my life and my son’s life.

- Taylor

It’s so possible for you.






let's answer your FAQs

  • do i need to buy both programs? no, you can buy both separately, but - you will save $$$ by bundling both together AND if you are purchasing the pregnancy program, you most likely will need the postpartum program ;)

  • when do you suggest going through these programs? i HIGHLY recommend going through the pregnancy modules prior to getting pregnant or in the first trimester of pregnancy if possible, and then completing the workouts throughout the entirety of your pregnancy. for postpartum, i would start going through the modules during your third trimester, so that you feel as prepared as possible after giving birth as you'll have A LOT going on during that time. Then going through the postpartum workouts in weeks 1 through 18 after giving birth.

  • do you offer additional payment plans? yes, we do! please send me a DM on instagram @shelbylobitz or send me an email at and we can discuss further!

  • how long do the workouts take? about 30-45 minutes

  • what type of equipment is needed for the workouts? dummbells or barbell (there are 2 separate programs available) and long and short resistance bands

  • do i get access to shelby? we have a private facebook community that shelby will be checking in with periodically to answer any questions you may have.

  • i had a baby 6+ months ago, is the postpartum program right for me? you would be more suited for one of my other programs as the postpartum program is focused on the first few months after giving birth.

  • i have SO much going on, what is the time commitment? i totally get this. this is why the modules are broken up into bite size pieces that you can listen to while you're out walking, cleaning the house, feeding baby etc. and the workouts are super quick and efficient.

  • how long do the programs last? both are completely self-paced which means you can go through them at your own pace and will have lifetime access!

By purchasing this program you are making a commitment to yourself and the investment. There are no refunds and you are responsible for fulfillment of payment plan payments.